Monday, December 27, 2010
Useful websites for every traveller
Get to the airport: can help you to gain information about the direction to airport by car to fares for public transports and taxis. Here too you can book hotels and flights.
Find Public Restrooms: lets you find public restroom locations in more than 120 countries with rating on restroom conditions from cleanliness to handicap accessibility.
Get the local time: This website contains information about the time and date for more than 600 countries.
Find ATM Machines: Suft or to find the list of visa and MasterCard ATM machines nearest to your location
Know local Etiquette: that has features articles written by experts who have experience in those countries.
Find the right metros: Using metros and subways to get around the city is always cheaper and faster than taxis. This website help you to gain info on rail transit sytem across the globe with operating times and fares.
How to make your room brighter
1. Repaint the walls: Dark walls tend to absorb natural light from the room. So repaint with fresh coat of white paint or even pastel colors such as yellow pale.
2. Hang mirrors: Get a few large or medium size mirrors.Hang one facing the light source such as the window or door, and place the rest around the room.
3. Color the furniture: Just as dark walls absorb light, so will the furniture. Change the shades of your furniture by repainting them in lighter color.
4. Change the covers: If you don't want to repaint the furniture, a very easy alternative is to change the slip over of the sofas, throw pillows, tables and chair to lighter colors.
5. Add lights: Another stylish option is to add floor lamps or install uplights and let their glow bounce off the ceiling and back into the room. You may want to consider using full-spectrum light bulbs, the glow closely resembles real sunlight!
Top 5 safety precautions to do before you sleep
1. Keep your house key: Make sure you have your house key beside your bed before you sleep. This will ensure we escape safely from the house during any emergency. Example if fire occur inside the house, we could rush out quickly without need to search for the keys.
2. Keep your hand phone: Hand phone is very important to contact people at night during emergency especially if you are alone. Example if fire occur, we can contact the fire savers and safe our life without any risks.
3. Turn on smoke detector alarm: Anything can happen at night. Make sure your house is fixed with fire alarm system.
Kidde KN-COSM-B Battery-Operated Combination Carbon Monoxide and Smoke Alarm with Talking Alarm
Kidde i9040 Fire Sentry Compact Smoke and Fire Alarm, Ionization Sensor, Battery-Operated
4. Turn on home alarm system: Do you fix one in your house? I think safety alarm system should be installed in each house. This could avoid any strangers that could put our life into danger.
GE 51107 Smart Home Wireless Alarm System Kit
AAS 600 Wireless Home Security Alarm System Kit DIY (R)
5. Close gas container properly: Check the gas container to be close properly. This is to avoid any leakage of gas which could cause explosion.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Top 5 affordable anti-dandruff shampoo
Top 10 things woman should know/do by the age of 20
2. Know how to make-up for yourself:At this stage, you should be able to make yourselves look good in public. You should know how to appear in public. This is not only to look beautiful but also to build confidence. Simple make-up is enough to make you look good. You could learn about tips of make-up from a single click in net.
3. Know about fashion: You should dress-up according to the trend. You can buy woman magazines every month to get updated about the fashions.
4. Communication confidence: Communication is very important to make people listen to what you are delivering especially in business meeting. The clients must be able to listen and understand.
5. Have a hobby: Why must you have a hobby? You wont be spending all your time with your friends or family. So you must have something beneficial and interesting to fill your time. You can also share the same hobby with your friends to make life more interesting.
6.Have a favorite sport:: Do you play sports? You must have one favorite sport which you love to play and watch. Get to know about all the top players and follow the news about it all the time.
7. Have a favorite author: Have collection of your favorite author. Read all the books about the author and admire their writing.
8. Get updated with news : Know what is happening around the world. Get yourselves updated with news by reading news paper and watching news in your favorite channel.
9. Know your favorite countries: Do have your top favorite countries to visit in your list. Learn about their culture, food, language, places of interest and history. Save money to visit those countries in future.
10. Have good relationship with your friends and family: Good bonding with family will provide yourselves with love and care. Have a group of friends where your could share all your happiness and problems. Talking to people will lessen your burden.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
A 45 Minutes suicide countdown on Facebook
His sister Chelvin Kong tried to talk to him but Alviss assured her that he was joking.A hours later his body was found on a car, fallen from the 14th floor of his apartment building in Cheras, Kuala Lumpur.
This shows the significant of friends or community in Facebook. Most of them are not real friends. real friends will understand and really know whether he serious or joking.
The psychology student says studies show that are estimated 12-20% of suicides are accompanied by note and people write it to ease their pain, not as a cry for help.
Paul Jambunathan, consultant clinical of Monash University Malaysia says that no one can be blamed for his death except himself. He killed himself because he was depressed and become helpless.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Are you Suffering from Anorexia?
This is one of many stories of women suffering from anorexia.Are you at risk too:
1. Often skip meals because you like that empty stomach feeling.
2. Exercise for very long hour.
3. Weight yourself every time after exercise and eating.
4. Talks lot about sugar or calories in food.
5. Restrict yourself from eating and exercise obsessively after heavy intake of snack.
6. Make excuses for not going out with friends for dinner.
7. Be proud on how long you can go without eating.
8. Hate yourself for eating and refer yourself as "fat".
9. Wanna suicide when you eat lot on that day.
10. Strive to be underweight.
11. Try to lose weight by vomiting, misuse of laxatives, or diet pills.
If you answer "yes" to three or more questions you could be developing an unhealthy lifestyle and should sake for counseling.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Get ready for Backpacking
Backpacking is a exciting way to see the world. Use these tips to ensure that your are ready for this adventure:
Fitness: Make sure you're fit enough to walk long distances with a heavy knapsack at the back. A check-up should reveal whether you're fit enough.
Get Fit: To lug around the heavy load, you'll need strong leg, lower and upper back, and abdominal muscles. Include exercises for these muscles into your routine.
Pack Right: Bring only necessities and opt for the smaller versions, like travel size toiletries and small torchlight.
Bag it: To prevent injury, lift your backpack onto your bended knee first, then slip your back through one shoulder harness, and slip the other one onto your shoulder. Or have someone to hold the pack up for you before pulling the shoulders straps over the shoulders.
Energise: Rest and eat well to conserve energy. You will be more susceptible to injury if you're tired.
Get your life in order in 2011
2. Beat Body Image Blues: Forget those 36-24-36. if you want to be in these days , you need to be comfortable in your own skin, whatever its proportions. It starts by accepting yourself for who you are.Affirm that your body is perfect just the way it is.Negative body image has damaging effects on your self esteem and can lead to depression.
3.Stop Daydreaming: Start pursuing your dreams in fresh. If you tried in the past to go after your dreams and failed there is a chance it wasn't your fault. Approach your dream from different angles, perhaps using new technologies not available on your last effort.
4. Avoid over analysis: The next time you find yourself over analyzing your relationship, see if you can back off. As you back off, your love will return. Stop over analysis your partner's flaws and there'll be fewer to contend with.
5. Put Mr. Right on Hold: Instead of searching for Mr. Right, start working at becoming Ms Right instead. You have to be sexually healthy, able to support yourself, wise,playful, and relaxed. In short, be all you want Mr Right to be. While no man is perfect, there are thousands of kind , faithful, fun-loving, intelligent, sincere men out there looking for women with similar qualities
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Sam Learning started in 1994 by David Jaffa, a Cambridge University graduate. SAM Learning services are; SAM Learning GO!, SAM Learning Primary and SAM Learning Home.
The official website is:
Dukan Diet Menu
Thursday, December 9, 2010
12 must have wardrobe elements for woman

Monday, December 6, 2010
Boring Meeting in office? Do these

Problem: All-talk-no-action meeting
25 ways to improve your conversations

Everyday hair crimes

Sunday, October 24, 2010
Engineering design: A model of notification post box
How digital camera works
A digital camera is a camera that takes video or still photographs, or both, digitally by recording images via an electronic image sensor. Digital camera has a sensor that converts light into electrical charges. The image sensor employed by most digital cameras is a charge coupled device (CCD). Some cameras use complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology instead.
Once the sensor converts the light into electrons, it read the value ( accumulated charge) of each cell in the image. A CCD transports the charge across the chip and reads it at one corner of the array. An analog-to-digital converter (ADC) then turns each pixel's value into a digital value by measuring the amount of charge at each photosite and converting that measurement to binary form. The amount of detail that the camera can capture is called the resolution and it is measured in pixels. The more pixels a camera has the more detail it can capture and the larger pictures can be without becoming blurry.
Just as with film, a digital camera has to control the amount of light that reaches the light sensor. The two components it uses to do this are the aperture and shutter speed, are also present on conventional cameras.
Aperture: The size of the opening in the camera. the aperture is automatic in most digital cameras but some allow manual adjustment to give professionals and hobbyists more control over the final stage.
Shutter Speed: The amount of time that light pass through the aperture. Unlike film, the light sensor in a digital camera can be reset electronically so digital cameras have a digital shutter rather than a mechanical shutter.
These two aspects work together to capture the amount of light needed to make a good image. In addition to control the amount of light, the camera has to adjust the lenses to control how the light focused on the sensor.
The focal length is the distance between the lens and the surface of the sensor.
With digital zoom, camera takes pixels from the center of the image sensor and interpolate them to make a full sized image. Depending on the resolution of the image and sensor, this approach may create a grainy or fuzzy image. you can manually do the same thing with image processing software--simply snap a picture, cut out the center and magnify it.
1. You aim the camera at the subject and adjust the optical zoom to get closer or farther away.
2. You press lightly on the shutter release.
3. The camera automatically focuses on the subject and takes a reading of the available light.
4. The camera sets the aperture and shutter speed for optimal exposure.
5. You press the shutter release all the way.
6. The camera resets the CCD and exposes it to the light, building up an electrical charge, until the shutter closes.
7. The ADC measures the charge and creates a digital signal that represents the values of the charge at each pixel.
8. A processor interpolates the data from the different pixels to create natural color. On many cameras, it is possible to see the output on the LCD at this stage.
9. The information is stored in some form of memory device.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
How to spend your weekend alone
How do I stay healthy and fit
Thursday, May 13, 2010
How to attach external document in Microsoft word
1. In Microsoft Word, highlight the word where you want the attached document to pop up when click on it. In my case, I highlighted " average temperature".
4. For the column "look in", chose appropriately according to your preference. In my case, I would like to chose "current folder".
5. Then pick the document that you want to attach to the word. I am going to attach the file named "HT".
7. Here what you will get. Now you can just press ctrl+click on selected word and there, you have the document!
Hope this help you!
*click on the pictures to enlarge.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
How to put caption for blogger pictures
** click to enlarge
These are how the image and caption will be displayed:
Note: float:left and text align: center
*If you want the image to float at the center, edit "float:left" to "float:center"
*Change the text position according to your preference at "text align:left;"
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
How to copy and paste from PDF to word
* click on the pictures to enlarge.

Sunday, May 9, 2010
It 's pink day in Baskin Robbins
Enjoy your Wednesday with your family and friends!!It's PINK Day @ Baskin-Robbins!
What you need to do? Just show up anything in Pink..It can be a shirt, a tie, a pink pen or even finger nails painted in pink!
What you will get? Double Jr. Scoops at the price of single Scoops!
Price of single scoop: RM7.50+
What extra? Top up sugar cone to a delicious Waffle Cone only for RM 1.50+
What is special about Baskin Robbin ice cream?

The ice creams are mouth watery..There are 31 different flavors of cup and cones in Baskin Robbins..Each shop offer different flavors so you may need to visit as many shops you can to taste all the delightful dishes.
Baskin Robbins also serve world's famous beverages such as Cappuccino. Here is the first cappuccino made from yogurt combine with ice cream..
Don't miss your opportunity to taste all these beverages and be PINK on Wednesday!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Damage mechanism from American Petroleum Institute (API)
This standard contains guidance for the consideration of:
- Information on damage mechanism that can affect process equipments
- Assist regarding the types and extent the damages can be expected
- Selection of effective inspection methods
I learned there are few types of alloys that are used widely in refining and petrochemical industries. Some are:
- Ferritic: Type of metallurgical structure normally found in carbon and low alloy steels.
- Martensitic: Heat treatment and welding followed by rapid cooling can produce this structure in carbon and
low alloy steels.
- Austenite: solid solution of iron with alloying elements
- Pearlite: structure composed of alpha ferrite and cementite that occurs in some steel and cast irons.
I did some surveys in API about the general damage mechanisms in all type of industries. I mention few below to give a clear idea about what I did:
Engineering Damage Mechanics: Ductile, Creep, Fatigue and Brittle Failures
1.Mechanical and Metallurgical failure
a. Strain Aging: Damage found in older vintage carbon steel under the combined effects of deformation and
aging at an intermediate temperature
- This result is increase in hardness and strength with a reduction in ductility and toughness
- Equipment with crack is more susceptible to strain aging where when it exposed to intermediate
temperatures, the zone of deformed material become hardened and less ductile.
2. Uniform or Localized Loss of Thickness
b. Galvanic Corrosion:
Continuum Damage Mechanics and Numerical Applications (Advanced Topics in Science and Technology in China)
-It is a form of corrosion that occurs at the junction of dissimilar metals when they are joined together in a
suitable electrolyte.
-This corrosion mainly happens when a fluid that conducts current are in contact with two different materials.
• I have been assigned to read about the list of equipments that are used in Magtymguly collector Riser Platform A (MCR-A). Some of them are:
a. Desander:
Desanders and desilters are drilling rig equipment with a set of hydrocyclones that
separates sand and silt from the drilling fluid.
b. Separators:
A for petroleum production is a large drum designed to separate
production fluids into their constituent components of oil, gas and water
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Mickey's smart tips for making the most of the party in Disneyland Paris!!

1. Pick up a Programme
It gives you the times of the shows, Disney Characters Meet 'n' Greets and Disney Character Eat 'n' Greets.
Disneylands Park:
a. at the Park entrance just below Disneyland Railroad Manin Street Station
b. at City Hall (Town Square)
c. on the information Board ar Central Plaza
Walt Disney Studios Park
a. at the entrance to Disney Studio 1
b. at Studio Services
c. on the information board at the Disney Studio 1 exit
2. Plan your day
a. Your 2-Parks Ticket gives you unlimited access to Disneyland Paris Park and Walt Disney Studios Park. You can go from one park to another as many times you want
Keep your administration ticket and get your had stamped at the exit. When you return, show both your ticket and also hand stamp.
3. Caring for the environment
a. All our shops collect batteries for recycling -don't throw them away
b. Disneylan Resort Paris will happily receyle any electrical goods you no longer need when you purchase similar items in one of our shops
4. For guests with disabilities
a. get copies of the Guide for Guests with Disabilities,information on access to attraction and Assisted Access Cards from City Hall in Disneyland Park and from Studio Services in Walt Disney Studios Park.
Shopping Services
Do your shopping before 3pm and get your purchases delivered to your hotel or Disney Village completely free. Otherwise simply leave them in the shop shwere you purchased them and pick them up before heading back home!
Only for Kids
a. Strollers and wheelchairs for hire in both parks.
b. Baby Care Center, Lost Children Point
Nappies and baby food areon sale and you can report or collect a lost child here.
c.Start your visit in Fantasylands in Disneylands Park or Toon Studios in Walt
Disney Studios.
d.Use the "Baby Switch" service
Free service that allows Mum and Dad to take turns on adult rides, without having
to queue a second time.
e. Enjoy a meal in the company of Disney Characters
special momenr at Disneylands Park
f. Take a relaxing break in the play areas
Pocahontas,Indian Village and Pirates Beach in Disneylands Park
Use these tips and get smarter before going to Disneyland Paris!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Start investment with zero sales charges by OCBC Bank
OCBC Bank in collabration with Pacific Mutual Fund Sdn berhad introduce to investor a way to invest without paying for the sales charges on investment in equity unit trust. Don't you think this is interesting!!
What's the meaning of the sales charges?Is a fee levied on the purchase of units of a fund. The sames charges is channelled to fund expenses such as marketing, advertisment and distribution of a unit trust fund. It can range from 0% to 7%.
For example, assume that you invest sum of RM 1000 in a unit trust with a sales charges of 5%. The sales charges is approximately RM 47.62 which will be deducted from the initial investment sum of RM 1000, leaving only the remaining of RM 952.38 to be invested.
The 4 funds introduced by OCBC without sales charges are Pacific ELITE Dividend Fund, Pacific ELIT Dana Aman, Pacific ELIT Dana Dividen an d Pacific ELIT Islamic AsiaPac Balanced Fund.These funds are distributed by OCBC Bank (Malaysia)Berhad and OCBC Al-Amin Bank Berhad.
So do you think to invest or not to invest in these new funds?
Comparing Pacific ELITE Dividend Fund to Public Equity Fund: