2. Make an extra effort to remember people's names and ask a person's name if you have forgotten it.
3.Be receptive to new ideas, and be open to other people's opinions and feelings.
4. Show curiosity and interest in others and show interest when they talk.
5. Tell other anout yourself, what your likes and the important events in your life.
6. Keep update with current events and issues that affect all our lives.
7. Use "I" when talk about personal things.
8. Show others that you are really good listener by restating their comments in abother manner.
9. Show your sense of humour when talking to them.
10. Balance the giving and receiving information.
11. Show others that you are enjoying your conversation with them.
12. Ask other people's opinions.
13. Look for positive attitudes.
14. Start abd end conversation with person's name and a handshake or warm greeting.
15. Take time to be cordial with co-workers and neighbors.
16. Let others to know that you want to know more about them.
17. Ask others about things they have told you in previous conversations.
18. Listen carefully for free information.
19. Be tolerant of other people's beliefs if they differ from yours.
20. Change topic of conversation when it has run its course.
21. Always search for other people's hot button.
22. Compliment others.
23. Encourage others to talk.
24. Make effort to see and talk to people you like.
25. When you tell a story, present the mian point first and then add the supporting details afterward.
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