Sunday, May 9, 2010

It 's pink day in Baskin Robbins

Enjoy your Wednesday with your family and friends!!It's PINK Day @ Baskin-Robbins!
What you need to do? Just show up anything in Pink..It can be a shirt, a tie, a pink pen or even finger nails painted in pink!
What you will get? Double Jr. Scoops at the price of single Scoops!
Price of single scoop: RM7.50+
What extra? Top up sugar cone to a delicious Waffle Cone only for RM 1.50+

What is special about Baskin Robbin ice cream?

The ice creams are mouth watery..There are 31 different flavors of cup and cones in Baskin Robbins..Each shop offer different flavors so you may need to visit as many shops you can to taste all the delightful dishes.

Baskin Robbins also serve world's famous beverages such as Cappuccino. Here is the first cappuccino made from yogurt combine with ice cream..

Don't miss your opportunity to taste all these beverages and be PINK on Wednesday!

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